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Addition Flash Card Games

Games are a great way to make math flash cards fun for kids.  Research shows that play based learning can boost a learner’s attention span and retention. Here are some fun games that you can use with our addition cards to enhance your child’s learning experience.

  1. Next 10: After solving a fact, ask the learner how many more to add up to the next 10, i.e.  9+8 = 17, then how many more to get to 20?
  2. Inverse: After solving a fact, ask the learner to solve the subtraction version.  i.e. 8+5 = 13, then what is 13-5?
  3. And Then Some:  After solving a fact, ask the learner to add another addend.  i.e. 8+5 = 13, now add 4 more to that.
  4. Slapjack: Lay out 3 cards within arm’s reach of each learner. Call out the answer to one of the cards. The learner who slaps the correct card wins the card. The learner with the most cards wins.
  5. War: Divide the deck between 2 players. Each player draws a card and calls out its sum.  The higher correct answer wins both cards. If it is a tie, then each player draws another card and calls out its sum until one player has a card that has a higher sum than the other.  Repeat drawing until both players are out of cards. The person with the most cards at the end wins.
  6. Double up: After solving a fact, ask the learner to double the answer.  i.e. 8+5 = 13, then what is 13+13?
  7. Alternate Addends: After solving a fact, learner must then name 2 other addends that will add up to the same sum.  i.e. 8+5 = 13, now name 2 other numbers that add up to 13?
  8. Find It: Name a number from 0-24.  The learner then searches the deck to find a fact card that adds up to that number.

    Have you come up with your own fun, creative game to play with your sight words cards?  We’d love to hear it! Post it to our  Facebook and  Instagram pages or email it to us at
